New Thoughts about Painting


Do you have habitual behaviors that encourage procrastination?

I ruminate, which wastes time and zaps me of energy. Another one is looking at financial reports and trying to analyze them. Recognizing and eliminating procrastination can give you valuable creative energy.

Emotions take a great deal of energy and are very important. Brian Tracy, in his audiotape program “The Psychology of Success” says, “Successful people control their emotions.” Instead of dwelling on them, we can use them to share our thoughts. Emotions have a huge range. Sometimes students are trying so hard to get attention or be original they go for shock value – there are other choices. It is more honest to express “your” feelings, not what you think they should be. You should be aware if you are choosing to dramatize emotions.

Emotions are so powerful, they can distract us. Without thinking, we can paint them into a painting that has nothing to do with the particular emotion. You may have to regroup if you had an upsetting phone call. Using art to release your emotions is art therapy, not necessarily art. Use your journal to recognize and separate unrelated emotions from your work. Being in charge of you emotions will give you great power.

Many times our expectations are too great and we make things difficult. The best way to simplify a project is to focus! Selecting a dominant idea and carrying it through will give your work strength. If you are painting a dominantly emotional piece, you might want to journal about your thoughts while painting so it is easier to carry on where you left off.

Featured Artwork – Garden Lace 22″ x 30″

I had written off Garden Lace as a piece of garbage. Then I read my mail during lunch and received some literature saying everything is what you think it is. I returned with that thought to the painting I labeled “garbage.” I decided to adjust my attitude. I changed it to “this painting will never be a masterpiece but it can be a beautiful painting.” I slowed down and enjoyed bringing out its beauty.

Excerpt from Progressive Painting: Your Creative Journey

©Ellen Jean Diederich, Givinity Press